- Преподаватель: Кропотина Ольга Евгеньевна
- Преподаватель: Ружанская Людмила Станиславовна
- Преподаватель: Филатова Екатерина Юрьевна
Research projects of undergraduates from 2 to 4 semesters are aimed at preparing a master's thesis, as well as developing the skills of scientific activity, including conferences and participation in scientific competitions and grants. This course presents all stages of work on a master's thesis from spring semester of the 1st year till spring semester of 2nd year.
Through master theses, based on rigorous scientific analysis, students must demonstrate their command of the theoretical knowledge acquired during their training, and their ability to apply it wisely when analysing and solving a problem relating to management sciences. naturally, they will also have to show critical thinking.
The scientific work of the master's student is reflected in the student's personal account (section of practice). as well as on the Moodle platform in this electronic resource. A complete package of documents that each student must prepare for certification on the three academic reports (Research work 1-3) includes a completed form of the assignment for practice (research work of the student) with the signature of the supervisor (official form), the student and the head of the educational program (official form); feedback from the supervisor with a signature; research report with a title page; certificates of participation in conferences; certificates of publications; certificates of participation in scientific competitions and Olympiads. All official forms are uploaded on the UrFU website https://urfu.ru/ru/students/documents/praktika/
- Преподаватель: Ружанская Людмила Станиславовна
Corporate finance course for 1st year students of the International Management programme
- Преподаватель: Акименко Иван Николаевич
The course is aimed to practice enhancing sustainability of global economics players. The course reveals the history and evolution of the concept of corporate social responsibility towards society, changing the social role of business in sustainable development, basic concepts, principles and forms of implementation of CSR. A lot of attention is paid to international expertise of strategic aspects of corporate social responsibility, international standards of corporate non-financial reporting and ethical auditing as well as evaluation of the programmes` effectiveness. Global and local companies, in particular, face environmental risks, health and safety risks, liability risks, and ultimately, reputational risks the management of which is central to the companies` long-term success. Some cases from the real sector will show the actual practice of implementation of social responsibilities policies. An outline for cross-country models of CSR is presented for a further academic and research. Students will know how to plan SDG in their prospective companies, in private life and how to reach, estimate and implement a better sustainable environment.
During this session, participants will acquire knowledge about the formation of corporate social responsibility in today's Russia; will review the practice of CSR by leading Russian and international companies, change their mind towards sustainable leadership in managing “the good” companies. The course combines lectures, conducted in an interactive manner, and practical exercises. All mentioned above is aimed to stimulate creating learning.
- Преподаватель: Беляева Жанна Сергеевна
- Преподаватель: Жевняк Оксана Викторовна
course is the methodological basis for the Master's degree program in
Management and includes the methodological principles of management
theory and categorical apparatus (in terms of the theory of the firm).
Students get acquainted with the peculiarities of Management as a
scientific research area.
This should become the basis for the construction of a theoretical and
methodological basis for a master's thesis by undergraduates. In this
regard, the course assumes a debatable nature of seminars, homework,
reading scientific articles, a colloquium, discussion of the structure
and logic of the master's thesis of students of the International
Management program.
- Преподаватель: Романова Анастасия Николаевна
- Преподаватель: Ружанская Людмила Станиславовна
- Преподаватель: Голоусова Елизавета Сергеевна
- Преподаватель: Романова Анастасия Николаевна
- Преподаватель: Голоусова Елизавета Сергеевна
Описание курса
- Преподаватель: Низовцева Ирина Геннадьевна
- Преподаватель: Филатова Екатерина Юрьевна
- Преподаватель: Львова Майя Ивановна
- Преподаватель: Ружанская Людмила Станиславовна
Instructor: Liudmila S.Ruzhanskaya
- Преподаватель: Ружанская Людмила Станиславовна
- Преподаватель: Беляева Виктория Сергеевна
- Преподаватель: Бурлакова Ирина Владиславовна